Written by Efaflex Redaktion Blog | Oct 29, 2019 1:51:21 PM

A humanitarian blood and bone marrow donation centre in Sydney, Australia, install EFAFLEX's high-speed doors to help secure and quickly clear the life-saving supplies.

It can affect any of us: from serious accidents to cancer therapies, surgeries and birth complications to chronic blood diseases, there are numerous circumstances that need a blood transfusion. The canned supplies needed for this purpose are generally obtained from blood banks in hospitals and medical practices where the blood is processed and stored.

When an emergency occurs, timing is crucial. After all, every second counts and can make the difference between life or death


When an emergency occurs, timing is crucial. After all, every second counts and can make the difference between life or death.  The employees of a blood bank in the Australian city of Sydney, who ensure that the sensitive preparation gets to its destination quickly, are acutely mindful of this: The district of Alexandria is the headquarters for blood and bone marrow donations of a large Australian humanitarian organisation. In 2017, 130 bone marrow donations were dispatched from the centre which also stores highly sensitive data from 170,000 bone marrow donors.


Perfect environmental conditions for sensitive preparations

Blood and bone marrow donations are sensitive substances that can become unusable in the event of incorrect treatment or unsuitable environmental conditions. In this case, the life-saving blood donation is lost. The strictest efforts are made to ensure that only authorised personnel are allowed access to these areas and part of the reason for choosing the high-speed spiral doors from EFAFLEX. Two doors were installed to ensure a fast and reliable handling of blood and bone marrow donations at the loading ramps.

The fast speed of the door blade which opens at 2 meters per second ensures both the security of the building as well as helping to maintain a constant interior temperature of 23 degrees Celsius


Ensuring the safe completion of the building

"In addition to the high opening and closing speed, it was very important that the doors for controlled access to the building be integrated into the existing security monitoring system and, if necessary, can be opened and closed by remote control," explains Stephen Fell, Managing Director of DMF International Pty Ltd, a long-standing EFAFLEX partner in Australia.

Following the guidelines of the aid organisation, the EFAFLEX doors, like all parts integrated in the construction, are technically tested and approved. The system was installed  over the weekend in order not to jeopardise the day-to-day operation of the headquarters.

"DMF is very proud to have been involved in this prestigious project of the great Australian relief organisation, whose job it is to save lives," says Stephen Fell.